man wearing black men’s casual office attire

In many offices all around the world, men’s casual officewear standards are changing. After working from home for so long, workers are seeing blurred lines between their work lives and personal lives, and that’s naturally leading to casual office attire and streetwear becoming more closely connected than ever before.

In some offices, dress code restrictions are getting looser and employees are feeling more confident in letting their personalities shine. If you’re gearing up to get back into the physical world, it’s time for a wardrobe update. You might be surprised how easy it is to incorporate some more casual looks into your style while still maintaining an air of professionalism. 

Men’s casual officewear is evolving — are you keeping up? Here are three outfit ideas to help you elevate your look.

1. Add Some Edge to an Outfit with Black Combat Pants

You don’t need to join the military to rock combat pants. The name might seem intimidating, but combat pants aren’t all that different from the usual slacks. They just have a bit more flair and a better silhouette. While camo combat pants are probably not going to work at the office, black is sleek and stylish, as long as you pair it with a smart top like a button-down or a polo.

2. Trade the Khakis for Camel Cargo Pants

Khakis and men’s casual officewear go hand-in-hand. However, wearing the usual cookie-cutter khakis can feel, well, boring. Our camel cargo pants can fit many men’s casual office attire dress codes, but they deliver a more flattering profile. Plus, having storage pockets is super handy. No need to overthink the look for these. Just style them exactly like you would with your old khakis.

3. Keep It Simple with Charcoal Zipper Skinny Pants

man wearing black and grey men’s casual officewear

Most office dress codes don’t cover fits (especially post-COVID), so wearing skinny pants is a great way to add some style to your look while still following the rules. Our charcoal zipper pants are a solid choice for men’s casual officewear, as they offer a flattering profile, a versatile color, and zippered ankle openings so you can customize the look to fit your work shoes. They look fantastic with a white or black top, but really any color will work.

Shop Casual Streetwear Apparel Now

Going back to work can be a drag, but when you look good, you feel good. Browse our best sellers and follow our Instagram for more outfit inspo, and check out our sales section for some amazing deals that’ll have you looking fresh on the cheap. There’s no denying that men’s casual office attire can be dull, but it doesn’t have to be. Shop men’s casual officewear at Hyper Denim now to take your work wardrobe to the next level.

August 10, 2021 — Nathan Bae